At the beginning of 2020 I was coming to the end of a long-held contract.
Next in store for me was up in the air.
I had no idea what I was going to do, but it was time to move on.
God reminded me in that moment of Jeremiah 29:11.
“'For I know the plans I have for you'” declares
the Lord, plans to prosper you not harm you,
plans to give you a hope
and a future.”
Familiar verses, like Jeremiah 29:11, are hard to catch my attention.
But it was just what I needed to hear in that moment.
It gave me a lot of peace going into the new year.
God worked it out too.
Fortunately for me, I was able to gain a position that would allow me to work from home.
At the time, I was unaware how necessary that would actually become.
Soon afterwards the pandemic lockdowns started happening.
I was fortunate, grateful and thankful.
But oh, how things turn when we get comfortable.
A few months went by.
It was summertime.
There I was, sitting at home, doing my job, but also wondering about the other things God had showed me.
I began to question Him about the time.
People were passing away left and right.
How much time did I have?
What about the visions He gave me?
What about the calling? Isn’t there more to my purpose? What about my ministry?
My this. My that.
I soon realized in my cry out to God I was overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious because I had become very selfish as my focus was no longer on Him.
I was not wearing patience well.
I had released my joy and misplaced my peace.
I was praying more, taking quiet time with God in the morning, but not bearing the fruit of our time together.
I became embarrassed before my Heavenly Father.
And like a good Father, He brought me back to His word.
Proverbs 3:5 and Isaiah 41:10 were the main ones that sprung up in my time of need.
I repeated the scriptures for days. I meditated on them.
The way God walked me through that season in my ups and downs reminded me of yet another scripture.
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my
path.” Psalm 119:105
This is exactly what happened.
“A lamp for my feet” gave me a clear visual.
Not a flashlight. Not a regular lamp.
Imagine with me that old school glass lamp, with the handle on top, and the single light bulb, maybe even a candle.
His word is a lamp for my feet.
As I hold the lamp of His word like Proverbs 3:5, the path around my feet were clear.
“A light on my path”. The entire path is not lit. Just the area around my feet.
As I take one step of faith in the direction He is leading, more of the path becomes lit.
I won’t know what happens next, until I trust Him again to take the next step.
As I move, the lamp continues to light the next step.
My problem was, I wanted the lamp to light the entire sky and show me clearly where we were headed in uncertain times.
God does not work like that.
But just like before, when He gave me Jeremiah 29:11, I had to hold on to His Word and it comforted me.
What scriptures are you holding on to in this season?
It could be the difference between what breaks or keeps you.
His Word is so powerful when we truly choose to apply it.
I was reminded then to surrender, not to my ways, but to His ways.
Today, if I’m not careful, I can still get flustered or anxious for what’s next.
However, I was also encouraged from that season that even when I get it wrong, He’s there to guide me.
I always can go back to the fact that He hasn’t let me down.
It hasn’t always been what I desired, but with my hope and trust in God, I will never fail, and neither will you.
Faith Nuggets!
His word is a lamp for my feet.
His Word is so powerful when we truly choose to apply it.
Guest Blogger: Felicia Morgan
Felicia Morgan was born and raised in Kansas City, MO. After college she moved and now resides in Miami, FL where she’s a Chaplain as well as a health and wellness coach. Her passion is to encourage women in their walk with God to love, embrace and own who they are. This led her to create a blog and Youtube channel to teach ambitious, christian women the heart of God in self-care and growing their relationship with Him. *You can follow Morgan’s IG @feliciamorgan.ent*
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May today’s blog post bring empowerment to and through you. See you next Wednesday, Honey Bunches!