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3 Promises I’ll Give My Children

Writer's picture: Empower Her MinistriesEmpower Her Ministries

I’ve dreamt of motherhood for as long as I can remember.

One of the first thoughts on motherhood that comes to mind was the birth of my niece.

At seven years old, I was excited I finally had someone smaller than me to look after!

My god sister was fresh out of labor in the hospital bed while holding my niece.

I looked from afar admiring the new addition to our family.

My niece was such a beautiful baby and so tiny!

Instantly, I wanted a little one of my own.

Shortly after, my god sister made the decision to name the baby after my older sister.

In response, I said with many family members crowded around, “Can you please have another baby soon and name them after me???”

I’m sure on the inside my god sister was like…

Mother’s Day is approaching here soon.

And, I can’t help to think about how my journey in motherhood will be.

Will I be a good mom?

Wait, what is a good mom?

Do I have the ability to be like her?

Is natural birth going to be best for my child’s health?

Will my parents be able to see my children? Watch them grow up?

How will I be able to give my children every possible opportunity to be successful?

Honey Bunches, there are so many pent up emotions I have on motherhood!

Yet, I’m sure most if not all are due to the numerous examples I’ve witnessed from other moms, including my very own.

It doesn’t matter if you are an expecting mom, new mom, veteran mom, aunt, sister, mentor, or have a mom I’m sure you too may have or had similar thoughts.

I want you to know these thoughts are okay to have, but we can not allow them to overcrowd our minds.

Our Heavenly Father loves us so much and want to help with any concerns we may have about anything.

Even small requests such as choosing Huggies or Pampers!

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares for you.” -1 Peter 5:7


When we give God our worries or concerns, He gives us peace.

During this time reflecting on what motherhood will look like for me, I’ve been journaling letters to my children.

Other than prayer, writing letters to my children has helped with any anxiety that tries to overload my mind and prepare my heart for theirs.

In the journal, there are prayers and Life Nuggets I’ve been sharing.

In particular, there’s a journal entry where I shared three promises to keep as their mother.

These promises are in no particular order, but I believe they are so important to have in a healthy motherhood journey.

1. Transparency

Transparency is life’s remedy to heal.

“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” James 5:16 NLT

I promise to give my children transparency because I desire for them to know sharing with Ma B will forever be their safe and healing place.

Having open communication with children let them know they can trust you.

They will be able to share anything with you, so you’ll know what to pray for on their behalf 😉

2. Faith In God

Faith in God is life’s perfect navigation.

Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. Proverbs 22:6 NLT

I promise to give my children an example to have faith in God.

I am believing my example will create a trusting relationship with God and my children.

They will seek God first to discern any thing that life throw at them: good or bad.

3. Encouragement

Encouragement is life’s free gift to empower!

“Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring salvation” -Proverbs 18:20

I promise to give my children encouragement. As their mother, my words will always build them up into who God has created them to be.

Remember, death and life is in the power of our tongues.

The words we share with our children either brings death or life.

Honey Bunches, help me to remember this when I have to change my kid’s first diaper 😄

What are some promises you have for your children?

Motherhood Nuggets!

Transparency is life’s remedy to heal.

Faith in God is life’s perfect navigation.

Encouragement is life’s free gift to empower!

Special shout out to my older sister, Brandy, who captured this beautiful moment with her baby boy and I. She’s one of the best moms I know! ❤️

Writer: BG

Photo Credits: Micah Patrick-Foster

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See you next Wednesday, Honey Bunches!

In the mean time…

One of the best ways to navigate to motherhood is self-control. Check out recent Celibacy Tips on our Facebook page & Share with a friend to Empower!



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