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EMPOWER HER BLOG: One Word Is Enough!

Writer's picture: Empower Her MinistriesEmpower Her Ministries

Is it just me or do you believe God can speak through anything or anyone at any time?

Let me explain further, so the other day one of my nephews came over to eat Sunday dinner.

My nephew is about five years old.

While we’re eating dinner, I started to notice that he was trying to put salt on a Hawaiian roll!

At the time, my nephew was sitting right next to me, so I said, “Don’t put that on your roll.”

His response, “I want to.”

I responded, “Trust me, it is not going to be good for you.”

He shares, “But I want to!”

“If you put it on your food, you’re going to have to eat it.”

Finally, my nephew puts salt on the roll. 

That's not it...he proceeded to also grab the pepper and proceeds to do the same!

A few moments later, my nephew took a great big bite out of the roll and expressed, ‘Why didn’t you stop me? This is spicy! I don’t like it.’

I laughed at his puckered face and added, “I told you not to put the salt and pepper on your roll. Because I care for you, I told you this, but you decided to do it anyway. Now, you need to eat it.’

Not too soon after those words escaped from my own lips, I thought about my own journey in faith.

Can you relate, Friend?

I believe we can agree there have been moments where our response has been the same with God.

God will say, ‘My child, don’t do that.’

Like my nephew, our actions will say, 'But I want to.'

Quite often, we want God to give us a long explanation of why we should or should not do something.

Because of God’s character and nature, one word from God should be sufficient.

God is so loving and kind towards us, Friend.

When God speaks, He speaks to us with love and care.

He is always looking out for us to let us know what is good for us because he cares for us.

According to Jeremiah 29:11, God has good plans for us.

Today, I want to encourage you as you grow stronger in faith there will be times where God will simply give you one sentence or word in response to the your journey.

Your faith will be tested, but you will be able to pass as long as you rely on God.

Trust in Him, Friend! 

You know your Heavenly Father.

He will be with you every step of the way.

He will not fail you!

Heavenly father, God, I thank you for this moment! On this day, I asked that you will help my friend. There are moments as my friend is growing stronger in faith where it is challenging. I declare as my friend grows stronger, one word from you will be enough! I pray that whenever they receive one word from you, they will not question, but they will trust you completely. May they trust you because they will know your character and nature always looks out for them. God, you have good plans for them! I pray that my friend trusts you completely in Jesus name. 



Because of God’s character and nature, one word from God should be sufficient!

When God speaks, He speaks to us with love and care!


John 3:16

Jeremiah 29:11

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