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EMPOWER HER BLOG: The Wait Is Worth It!

Have you ever really wanted an answer from God?

It seems like you have prayed more than receiving an answer and you wonder, “God did you hear me?”

In response, you keep praying, you keep asking, and all you hear is silence.

Friend, what if I told you, you are not alone and the answer has been given.

Let me share more.

A few years ago, I was in a similar situation.

I kept going to God with a request.

Initially, I did not believe I heard from God because the answer I wanted to hear was not visible.

Finally, I realized God’s answer to my question was wait.

When I made the decision to simply wait and move forward with God having already worked all things out for me, God soon did something more than what I expected.

Yesterday, I realized I am back at a similar place.

For over a year, I have been going to God consistently seeking Him with a question.

I have prayed, prayed, and prayed.

After a long conversation with my father, I realized I needed patience once more to wait.

I decided to ask God for forgiveness for my impatience.

I also shared that I will move forward by waiting on Him and trust His timing.

Pray for your friend over here😅

In the meantime, I want you to be encouraged!

Friend, no matter what you are waiting for I want you to know God hears you and He will answer you with more than you are expecting.

Jeremiah 29:13 states, You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

As you move forward, may you go on with hope and joy.

Move forward enjoying life with God advocating all things!

Your Heavenly Father has good plans up ahead for you.

Wait patiently my friend!

I am with you!!

God is working all things out for good.

Now, let's pray:

God, thank you for being a loving and patient Father. Today, we ask that you will help us as we wait on you. We thank your for your grace and wisdom in Jesus name, Amen!



Wait is an answer.

God is working out all things for your good!


Jeremiah 29:13

Romans 8:28

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