Is it just me or does God seem to always come through at the very last split second?
After we have prayed, fasted, and knocked on His door of grace repeatedly, He answers.
But, once God answers his door, we not only receive what we’ve been praying, fasting, and seeking He gives us more than what we thought we needed.

Out of all the tears we cried, the things we lost, the downright uncomfortable time we had to endure God seems to always show up and show out for His children!
Pressure positions.
When I think of faith, I am often reminded of the word pressure.
Pressure is so synonymous to faith because in order to experience one or the other there’s a requirement of going against what is coming into contact with it.
Think for a moment!
If you sit down in a chair, back positioned correctly, and feet planted on the ground, nine times out of ten you will not experience pressure in your feet.
But, the very moment you choose to stand up from the chair you will feel pressure in your feet.
Why is that?
Because the pressure of your body weight is going against the ground in which your feet is coming into contact.
Similar to pressure, as believers when we are choosing faith in God, every day we are going against our very own will, that comes in contact with our decision making, to trust and choose God’s plan.

I want to take time today to shift your perspective on pressure.
Pressure does not always come in our lives because we’ve done wrong.
There are times pressure will come in opportunities for God to bless us!
“Then the Lord asked Satan, Have you noticed my servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth. He is blameless- a man of complete integrity. He fears God and stays away from evil. Job 1:8
In the 42 chapters of Job, God allowed Satan to test Job, yet he remained faithful to God while experiencing pressure.
Because of Job’s strong faith in God, Job was blessed with way more than what I’m sure he could of ever thought or imagined.
Pressure is your first sign to breakthrough.
This same nugget can be applied to when we ask God for something!
It takes pressure to receive what we are desiring.
In my spiritual journey, there’s never been a time where I haven’t experienced pressure.

The pressure to wait.
The pressure to trust.
The pressure to endure.
In last week’s blog post , I shared with you,
Don’t grow weary, or tired of being obedient to God because He hasn’t come through for the very things you desire on your time.
Honey Bunches, God was speaking through me to empower you and myself!
As I also shared,
For over one year I’ve been knocking, jiggling, twisting, pounding, and throwing my shoulders spiritually on God’s door to open.
One of things I didn’t share I’d been praying and fasting for God to increase my finances at my current job or bless me with a new position with a higher paying salary.
By the end of my fast, I prayed to God for a new position to open for me.
Finally, Monday morning I prayed again a more detailed prayer,
“God, I remain in you and your words remain in me. This means I can ask you for anything and it will be granted. If it’s your will for me to stay at this job, I will. All I want is a higher paying salary in the position that you’ve placed me.”
Honey Bunches, it was after lunch HR came to my room and handed me two envelopes explaining my salary is officially increased!

I can not make this up!
God is so faithful🙌🏾
The letter also went into details about the company was conducting a survey on increasing my salary since 2019.
The same time I started to ask God for a salary increase!
I spent months praying, fasting, and expecting God to come through not realizing He’d answered the moment I asked.
Yet, the promise needed to be fulfilled at a later time for my process to be a blessing to others!
Honey Bunches, God is always working behind the scenes on our behalf.
We may not see it, we may not feel it, but God works.
And, when God moves, He moves BIG!
If you feel life’s pressure, stay obedient and faithful to God.
The pressure is meant to strengthen you because when God opens the door you’ve been knocking on He will blow your mind that you may share His goodness to bless somebody else!
Faith Nuggets!
Pressure positions.
Pressure does not always come in our lives because we’ve done wrong.
Pressure is your first sign to breakthrough.
Writer: BG

Photo Credits: Harold Jackson
• If this post empowered you, Comment below “I Am Empowered!” ✨
Share today’s blog post with someone you know to remain faithful under pressure!
See you next Wednesday, Honey Bunches!
In the mean time…

✨Do you have a story of breaking cycles? Friday is the last day to submit guest blog submissions for our upcoming blog post series. If you would like to share your story, submit to ✨