Whether you have been a believer of Christ for one day or one hundred years, reading the Bible is something you understand helps you to grow spiritually stronger.
As one of my favorite ministers shares ‘The Bible is basic instructions before leaving earth’!
And, today, I want to share with you four of my simple practices when reading the Bible.
Now, I don’t have any fancy acronyms or catchy slogans😳
However, I believe what I share will help you to grow spiritually stronger by applying the following steps in order during your Bible reading.
Are you ready?
Here is Step #1:
1. Prayer
Prayer is your open invitation for God to speak to you.
“As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength.” Psalms 138:3 NLT
I truly believe as believers of Christ prayer is within the foundation of our faith.
Before I read the Bible to study, I notice I am intentional to pray first!
By praying first, I believe this allows me to hear clearly from God on exactly what I should read.
When I pray first, I also notice the very scriptures God directs me to are of benefit to me and others which brings us to step number two, silence.
2. Silence
Silence before reading the Bible allows you to listen to God’s divine instructions.
“Let them sit alone in silence beneath the Lord’s demands” Lamentations 3:28 NLT
If I can be honest, this step is one of the hardest steps for me when preparing to read the Bible…sitting in silence…but it is the most satisfying of all steps.
I will tell you why!
When I take time to sit in silence after prayer and prepare to read the Bible, it gives me an opportunity to physically listen to God.
Quite often as believers we love to verbally share our hearts to God.
However, I believe sitting in silence after prayer gives God an opportunity to share His heart to us!
3. Read the Bible
Reading the Bible is your one-stop-shop to live life!
“But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.” Psalms 1:2-3 NLT
After I pray, sit in silence, the next step is simple: I read my bible!
Comment 👋🏾 at the bottom of this post if you want me to share next week in how you can determine which scriptures you should read when studying your Bible!
After sitting in silence, I make the decision to go to the scriptures that were on my heart.
As I read, I make sure to underline, highlight, or circle words that stick out to me.
4. Take Action
You have to act on what you believe!
“In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” James 2:17 NIV
My final step in reading the Bible is I choose to take action on what I read.
I journal down all thoughts that were in my mind as I read the Bible.
I also think about how what I read is relatable to any situation I may be currently facing.
I pray my four simple steps help you to become more intentional in your Bible reading.
Let me know which one was your favorite!
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Biblical References
Psalms 138:3
Lamentations 3:28
Psalms 1:2-3
James 2:17
Bible Study Nuggets!
Prayer is your open invitation for God to speak to you.
Silence before reading the Bible allows you to listen to God’s divine instructions.
Reading the Bible is your one-stop-shop to live life!
You have to act on what you believe!
Breonna ‘BG’ Gildon
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