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Faith + Counseling: Please Be Patient With Me As My Deepest Wounds Are Being Healed.

Writer's picture: Empower Her MinistriesEmpower Her Ministries

How many times have you heard faith and counseling in the same sentence?

Yeah, me neither.

However, I recently started a journey where I am going to be using faith and counseling together more often than I expected.

That’s right, this Christian is going to counseling!

And, if you can tell from this picture, I am slightly excited about it.

As a teen I went to counseling. However, I never felt it worked out in my favor and wasn’t in the best interest of me.

Over the years, I kinda just pushed the idea away!

Likewise, when I made the decision to live a life totally surrendered to God, I have been solely relying on my faith.

I have been intentional to read the Bible, attend church services, praying, fasting, and even share some if not all my current struggles with my inner circle of friends.

After me sharing all of the above, you may wonder how did I get on this faith and counseling journey in the first place!

Well, there’s a saying that goes like the following:

Insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results. Albert Einstein

Let’s just say this has been me in dating….

After two years of singleness, I recently decided to be open to the idea of dating.

I was involved in a relationship that started off great.

We remained committed to our faith and one another.

Although the relationship started off well, the more I stayed in the relationship I would ask God to give me answers on specific areas.

And, I believe the more I asked God for wisdom He began exposing areas where I needed a deep healing!

With that revelation, for the first time in my life I felt led to move forward by pursuing counseling.

“As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness.” -Proverbs 26:11 NLT 

The one thing guaranteed about healing is it brings a healthy process to restoration.

Now, I can honestly say I am looking forward to being the healed version of what will come from my virtual counseling sessions.

Yet, I am not looking forward to the process.

You know, the part that includes revealing and healing the deepest wounds I may have suppressed due to trauma. 😳

However, with faith and counseling I believe God will give me the endurance to sustain it all.

For I can do all things through Christ, who gives  me strength. Philippians 4:13 NLT 

Healing allows us to rely on strength beyond our very own for us to become stronger.

Like the Bible shares, as God’s children we are all a part of one body and made up of many parts.

I really believe God has gifted each us with special gifts.

In other words, there are people who have the gift to heal others to become stronger. (Matthew 18:20)

And, it’s okay to use faith and counseling!

By me sharing my faith and counseling journey, I pray it empowers you to be open to start using these two words more often.

Healing Nuggets!

The one thing guaranteed about healing is it brings a healthy process to restoration.

Healing allows us to rely on strength beyond our very own for us to become stronger.

Writer: Breonna ‘BG’ Gildon

Do you notice any thing special about the weight I am holding? Let me know below!

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Coming Soon To Empower💕

***Our blog will now have an additional section where you can share your testimony!! This means you do not have to be a writer or blogger. As long as you have a story of God helping you to overcome some thing along your spiritual journey, we want to help you share to empower!

Ya Girl now has a whole YouTube Channel…and will be bringing along some amazing guests! This Friday the introduction video will be uploaded.

May today’s blog post bring empowerment to and through you. See you next Wednesday, Honey Bunches!

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