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Here’s To The Road Ahead

I had a friend ask me a question on how I felt on life after the coronavirus.

We were conversing on the phone for over an hour and I initially wasn’t sure how to respond when they asked:

“Do you feel we will ever get to go back to the way things were?”

I thought for a brief moment.

Then, I replied, “To be honest, I don’t want to go back.”

My friend and I have been close for awhile.

We both have supernatural gifts of discernment.

Any time, when one of us respond with a simple follow up answer, the other knows soon there will be a tidal wave of wisdom from God on its way!

I could feel my friend quietly eager to hear more.

The following came from my heart and I pray even more will empower you too as we move forward together in faith.

What we are experiencing is a time of preparation.

I believe we are in a transitional season.

Hear me out, Honey Bunches!

We been praying.

We been fasting.

We been praying so more.

And, we been fasting so more.

Many of us have been waiting to experience certain dreams and visions to become a reality.

I believe what we’ve been praying and fasting for is coming soon.

While we wait, we are in the right position to work on the very gifts God has given us.

The very things we’ve been believing God for are right up ahead.

What if this time of social distancing is a time to be more spiritually focused?

A time where we can intentionally go to God and give Him every desire that’s been on our hearts.

A time where we can be silent to hear clearly from God.

A time to plan for the very things we desire.

Why go back?

I believe it’s so important on how we spend the time we have to gain knowledge from God in how we should move forward.

“By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the one who called us to Himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.” 2 Peter 1:3

You see, Honey Bunches, every one of us is gifted with what we need to live abundantly.

The closer we are to God the more in tuned we become on how exactly we should live.

Many of us feel like we are so ready to get the next season or go back to a place of normalcy.

But, what if this is the season that we need to be prepared for where God wants to take us?

Do you remember the time you received your first smartphone?

Excitement filled you up with the thought of being able to have what everyone else had.

You may of heard from others on what the phone could do.

Then, after a while of having the phone the once excitement no longer phased you.

The phone stopped being special because everyone else had the same thing you did.

As God’s children, we are called to be apart of the world.

Just maybe, how we choose to prepare in our on current season determines how God will help to transition us to something greater than what we expected.

I truly believe we are each here for a purpose on purpose.

Even, this virus is not here by chance.

This is a perfect opportunity to dig deeper in the Bible and receive all God wants for us to move forward in faith!

God’s word has every answer to any problem we face.

The season we’ve been praying for is here!

I know it’s not what we may have expected.

Some of us may have lost loved ones or jobs.

There are others who may even lost peace.

We can be sure that God works all things for good who loves Him and are called to His purpose.

As I shared in a recent post, God is near the broken-hearted.

He hears every prayer, even the silent ones from our hearts.

I declare a supernatural healing will take place within each and everyone of us.

When we come out of the transitional season, we will be stronger than ever and ready to experience the purposeful lives God plan for us to live!

Purpose Nuggets!

What we are experiencing is a time of preparation.

The closer we are to God the more in tuned we become on how exactly we should live.

The season we’ve been praying for is here!

*Bonus Nugget*

The way you look at this season will be the outcome for the one up ahead. Fix your focus! It’s 2020 ♥️

Writer: BG

Photo Credits: Micah Patrick-Foster

• If this post empowered you, Comment below “I Am Empowered!”

See you next Wednesday, Honey Bunches!

In the mean time…

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