Did you know there is a place where you can go to find peace?
This same place you can go to receive joy.
Meaning, any anxiety, any hurt, or pain, you may have can be released and replaced with what you need.
This place is known as the Secret Place.
“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1 KJV
And, for every believer of Christ, the Secret Place is available 24 Hours of the day…seven days of the week 😉
In order to access this place, all you have to do is simply create a space of solitude and worship.
You see, worship is not limited to a song.
“For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24 NLT
Worship can be expressed within the Secret Place.
And, I believe the more you worship within the Secret Place the more you will receive from God of the very things you need.
If I can be transparent, here recently, I’ve discovered the importance of making time to go to the Secret Place.
Whether it is me setting an alarm to wake up a little earlier than usual or choosing a set time during the day to spend time in the Secret Place.
It is in this place God fills me up spiritually.
There is no other place I desire to be.
There is no other place like this.
Are you ready to go?
Biblical References
Psalm 91:1
John 4:24
Worship Nuggets!
Worship is not limited to a song.
The more you worship within the Secret Place the more you will receive from God of the very things you need.
Breonna ‘BG’ Gildon
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And, I would love to help you to do the same with my new book,
The Affair: How To Manage Sex In Singleness
Now available on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and where book are sold!

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