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We Share To Empower: Aren’t You Worth More?

Can I be honest with you?

I am at a place in my faith where I do not feel empowered to empower.

My emotions are weighing heavy.

I have felt like giving up.

I have felt like quitting everything because every week there seems to be an occurrence.

It is like within the moment I choose to pray and seek God not too soon after something new appears that challenges me spiritually.

And frankly, I feel completely stretched!

Meaning, my emotions toward experiencing the circumstances I am being faced with feels pulled at capacity.

My health is stretched.

My finances are stretched.

My stability is stretched.

I can go on with my list, but I believe you have the idea!

I am so spiritually stretched to the point where all I have left is my faith.

I admit there was even one point where I was hesitant to pray a certain prayer because I did not want to be disappointed by God.

You may wonder, ‘Well, why haven’t you given up? or Why do you keep relying on your faith?’

‘What makes you continue to trust in God when everything in your life seems beyond your control?’

Simple, I believe in the bible and I believe what the bible says.

And, in the bible, it states,

“…Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

As a believer of Christ, I understand life is not promised to be perfect because I have chosen to follow the one who is.

However, one thing is guaranteed: When faced with challenging circumstances, victory will soon occur through faith in Jesus Christ.

I am sharing this with you because I believe there will be moments in your life where you will experience testing of your faith.

You may be about to experience something to test your faith.

You may be experiencing something that is testing your faith.

Or, you have just overcome something that has tested your faith.

If you choose to follow Christ, testing will come!

And, as your big sister in faith, I believe it is important for me to share how you too can stand strong when everything in life tries to knock you down or away from trusting in God.

1.Trust God to be God!

“ Look at the birds of the sky: they don’t sow or reap or gather in the barns, yet your heavenly father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than they?” Matthew 6:26

I believe you and I are God’s greatest creations!

He strategically created us with purpose in mind to prosper us, give us hope, and a future.

He created us to rule over the things of this world to enhance His kingdom, not to be overtaken by them.

In other words, God loves us, His children!

And, as a good father, I believe God will make sure to provide all we need through any life testing phase only if we simply have the faith to believe in Him.

2.Allow your faith to speak louder than your feelings.

“ Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be open to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who searches finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8

It takes faith to keep asking.

It takes faith to keep searching when there is no response to what you are needing.

God will not allow you to go through something if He doesn’t believe you are not capable of handling what you are facing!

Keep asking.

He sees you.

Keep asking.

He hears you.

Keep asking.

He will work everything out for your good.

Regardless of how you may ever feel, believe your faith is opening doors.

Because that is what I am choosing to believe at this very moment that God can and will provide.

Biblical References

John 16:33

Matthew 6:26

Matthew 7:7

Faith Nuggets!

When faced with challenging circumstances, victory will soon occur through faith in Jesus Christ.

Trust God to be God!

Allow your faith to speak louder than your feelings.

Breonna ‘BG’ Gildon

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