Heeeeey Honey Bunches! We Share To Empower is a series within our blog where guest bloggers can share their testimonies of something awesome God has done in their life! Today, read Crystal’s story:
When I think of love, I think of God.
No one is perfect nor will they ever be, but love is not abuse.
Love is not malicious.
I went through 13 years of physical, emotional, and mental abuse because of what I thought was love.
I prayed for God to send me a preacher to be exact because I admired them.
They could do no wrong in my eyes and they loved their families and loved God.
However, I failed to realize that not everyone is a lover of God.
When I went into my relationship the signs were there from the beginning, I chose to ignore them because I was a 16-year-old wanting to settle down early.
I felt since we were starting off young, we had to go through the rough patches.
Relationships are work, that is a known fact, but I misinterpreted the whole concept of the bible with this.
I read we suffer for being a Christian (1 Peter 4) and then I read what God puts together let no man put asunder (Mark 10:9).
This meant that if God placed you together then no man can tear apart.
I misinterpreted these scriptures!
You could say, I thought I knew it all.
The desires of my heart were not in the will of God.
When I thought God sent me a preacher, I thought it was my job to fix and shape him up.
I felt the need to be there for him because he never had anyone to be by his side.
I wanted to be a good wife that was always there supporting him in his ministry.
He was reading the Bible to me and telling me what it meant so I did not read.
I depended on a man to tell me about God even when things did not seem correct.
I was in pure hell and asked God why he was putting me through all of this.
God reminded me that he did not place me with that man.
I did that all by myself.
I was impatient and wanted it right then and there and God was showing me signs from the beginning, but I second guessed it each time.
We must realize that just like God hears your prayers and has angels watching over you so does satan.
What makes you think that Satan does not hear and try to convince you that what he has for you is better than God.
When the enemy has seen what God has for you, he wants to try and destroy it before you can get it.
A thief’s job is to “kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10).
The devil will try and rob you of the favor that God has over your life.
He wants to rob you of joy, happiness, peace, confidence, patience being loved correctly, and understanding the word of God to be a vessel for others to be delivered.
I was robbed of all those things and more.
I had a transformation of the mind and how I think.
I was tired of going through and tired of ignoring the signs of God.
When I prayed to God to show me who my abuser was, he did every single time.
I got back in my bible and started to read the word for myself again because he robbed me of my confidence in understanding God’s word.
When I got back in it and started making moves to leave my abuser.
I vowed to never return to the situation I was in.
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” 1 John 4: 7-9 NIV
Afterwards, God started opening doors and he continued to open them more and more.
I knew from then on that God placed a hold on my blessings because I was not ready to receive it.
What God had in store for me was for me was for me and no one else.
I encourage you to read the word for yourself and ask God for a divine understanding of his word.
I motivate you to act in faith and be purposeful for building God’s kingdom.
You have a whole army behind you, and you should already know that the battle is won!
There is no greater place to be than in God’s loving grace.
Walk in your purpose today!
Faith Nuggets
Read the word for yourself and ask God for a divine understanding of his word.
Act in faith and be purposeful for building God’s kingdom.
You have a whole army behind you, and you should already know that the battle is won!
Biblical References
1 John 4: 7-9
Guest Blogger: Crystal Harlan

Crystal is an African American and has four children that she provides for. She works in healthcare as an administrative coordinator, and she also is a travel agent. Crystal recently wrote her first book called “Misinterpreted Signs: Secrets of Domestic Trauma” due to her being in an abusive marriage. She is a very caring person and loves being a smile for someone else. She enjoys spending quality time with her children and making sure they are motivated for greatness. She wants to be the platform in helping other stand out for domestic situations.
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