Heeeeey Honey Bunches! We Share To Empower is a series within our blog where guest bloggers can share their testimonies of something awesome God has done in their life! Today, read Marlowe’s story:
Most of my life, even as a child, I felt like the odd ball out of place.
I felt as if I were different, like other children my age did not connect with me.
I began to isolate myself, and at that time, I entered an unknown depression.
I fell victim to bullies, which annihilated my self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence.
The Most-High was the only one I felt I could confide in and depend on, as it seemed as if everyone else had let me down.
Desperate for answers and reassurance, at age 12, I began attending church faithfully.
The Most-High had lifted my spirit and was shaping me to become a virtuous woman.
However, as I entered adolescence and steered away from His commandments, my life changed drastically.
With the guilt of my vile behaviors riding my back, I began to dive deeper into sin and self-destruction, and life took a turn for the worse when I entered adulthood.
My soul was damaged, and instead of seeking the Most-High, I turned to the world for refuge.
Sex, drugs, and darkness washed away the purity I had developed as a young girl.
As if things were not bad enough, I wound up pregnant and unmarried, which led me down the path of single parenting.
I was down on my knuckles, and felt stuck in a rut, but I continued to self-destruct.
Relationship after relationship, beating after beating, and belittlement become my story.
I found myself miserable and abused for ten years straight.
The worst part was the guilt I carried as a mother.
How could I allow this type of mistreatment?
How could I put myself and my child in such dangerous positions?
As time passed, the “head” doctors diagnosed me with all sorts of demons – depression, severe anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
I thought to myself, how did I end up here?
“I sought the Most-High, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. Oh, taste and see that the Most High is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Psalm 34:4-5, 8
I had neglected my creator and His laws, forgetting about His promises.
I had failed to seek The Most-High during a time of refuge.
Sadly, after staring down the barrel of a gun and nearly losing my sanity, I decided it was time to give up desires of the flesh.
I turned myself over to The Most-High, and He began removing the toxicity around me.
Enemies disappeared, He led me back home to my mother and grandmother, shielded me, and proceeded to heal my heart.
The Most-High reminded me of my youth and his goodness.
I started to pray again, gave up my addictions, and exposed my soul to him.
He answered me!
He blessed me, giving me strength to persevere!
The Most-High opened my eyes up to new heights, which became the initiation behind Writing on Marlee’s Wall, LLC.
In summary, utilize my story as proof of The Most-High’s power!
Even in my worst predicament, He delivered me.
Moreover, He protected me from the enemy, but first I needed to place my trust in Him.
He healed, protected, and covered me, even when I did not deserve it.
The Most-High showed mercy upon me, and he never placed more on me than I could bare.
He allowed me to self-destruct, so that I could find my way back to him.
Despite what I went through, even when I felt stuck, I chose to seek The Most-High – He save me!
~Sincerely, Marlee (Marlowe Boyd)
Faith Nuggets
Seek The Most-High – He will save you!
Biblical References
Psalm 34:4-5, 8
Guest Blogger: Marlee (Marlowe Boyd)

My name is Marlowe Boyd, but all my friends and family call me Marlee. I am 30 years of age, and I grew up in a small town in Michigan, raised by my mother and grandmother. I am the only child on my mother’s side, but I have a half-sister on my dad’s side of the family. I am an introvert, with an obsession to write my heart out. I also enjoy music, comedy, and spontaneous getaways. I am outgoing, assertive, resilient, transparent, but sometimes I carry heavy and messy loads. Through it all, I have kept the Most-High near and dear to my heart, mind, and soul; hence, why I am well and alive today! Stay tuned, and I will share just how good the Most-High has been. Learn more about Marlowe by visiting: https://writingonmarleewall.com/
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For three years, with God’s help, BG has been able to manage sex in singleness through purity.
And, she would love to help you to do the same with her new book,
The Affair: How To Manage Sex In Singleness
Now available on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and where book are sold!

For Gospel related content, check BG out on TikTok!