Heeeeey Honey Bunches! We Share To Empower is a series within our blog where guest bloggers can share their testimonies of something awesome God has done in their life! Today, read Sandra’s story:
I am ecstatic that God does not treat me the way I deserve to be treated.
I am ecstatic that God has the ability to sustain life.
The girls and I traveled to Kansas for my long-awaited graduation on May 27th, 2021.
After that, we traveled to Colorado to see my son and surprise him for his 30th birthday.
We had a God-ordained breathtaking time sight-seeing and visiting Red Rocks Mountain before returning home to Noblesville.
The 10-hour drive home was the most exciting trip a single mom could ever grant her children.
We arrived home in the wee hours on Sunday morning and quickly fell asleep.
We all woke up to excruciating head pain.
Our first thoughts were Oh, my goodness we must have caught Covid-19 during our long trip.
That was the scariest few days I have ever experienced.
To think, we could all die, and I not be able to do anything about it.
I felt helpless and unknowledgeable.
The pain was so severe it felt like my brain was deteriorating morning, noon, and night.
I had all the children separate into various rooms and I locked myself in my room as the pain intensified.
Therefore, the next day we decided to get tested for Covid and wait 2 days for the results.
Consequently, I reached out to my daughter’s doctor who advised us that the probability of Covid was low and it most likely could be carbon monoxide in the home.
My daughter, Victoria then called the fire department who confirmed there was a bad case of Carbon Monoxide.
When they swung, their combustible Gas indicator (CGI) read 75% in the garage that I fell asleep in that vary morning and 35% inside the house.
The head fireman said we were lucky to be alive because with those numbers they would typically carry the family members out in body bags.
I began to praise God for his protecting angels released to accompany us through such unprecedented times.
My son asked me what my thoughts were, and I said, God who is all-knowing could have taken all of us out if He wanted to.
The enemy meant it for evil and tried to take us out while we were asleep, but God had a greater plan for our futures.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
I drove my son to Jackson State University a few weeks later and my daughter to I U Bloomington for college.
God is a Game Changer.
He has great plans for our future!
Faith Nuggets
Keep the faith no matter what you are going through.
He has the final say and He has your best interest at heart.
Biblical References
Jeremiah 29:11
Guest Blogger: Sandra E. Jackson
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