There’s a familiar story in the Bible that I’m sure you’ve heard at least once in your lifetime.
More than likely, someone shared it with you as a young child.
You may have been a little older.
Either way, I believe when I share the first eight words you’ll know it instantly!
You ready?
For God so loved the world that He…
You guessed it: gave!
When it comes to giving one’s all, it is kind of hard for me to not think about the one who set the bar high in generosity to our world.
God loved us so much that He gave His only son, so anyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16
Isn’t it interesting that the only emotion to describe God’s decision to give His only was love?
Not fear. Not worry. Not anxiety. Not regret.
He loved.
The thing that is even more interesting God knew when He decided to give His only to the world every person would not accept his gift.
On the contrary, often times when we feel led by God to give, especially our all, it can be challenging for us.
We wonder are we really hearing from God.
We may more so question the fact we actually gave!
If God’s love is so unconditional enough to give His only for a divine purpose, how could we think less of ourselves (as God’s children) that our selfless giving can’t be used for the glory of God?
Our desire to give is innate because we are made up of the dna of Christ himself.
In the moment, we may not understand the reason or purpose for us to give, but let me reassure you, Honey Bunches.
When God asks for you to give, there’s always a divine blessing attached that will be beyond your very own understanding!
In Isaiah 55:8-9, the Lord shares:
“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts, says the Lord. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.”
Being obedient when God tells you to give your all releases you from repeated cycles that has held you in bondage.
Sounds familiar?
Now, I enjoy sharing on this platform because it allows transparency to empower!
If I may be transparent with you, I’d like to share where I am currently on giving my all.
Until recently, I have never understood exactly how to not give selfishly and the blessing that comes along when I give in agape.
I’ve always been one who loves to give whether in finances, gifts, talents, and relationships!
However, until now, I don’t recall a time in my life where I gave my entire all in those areas.
I have been conditioned to either give what I can or don’t give at all.
This way of thinking gave me fuel to simply avoid opportunities that I believe was God’s way to grow me and be a blessing.
Instead, I thought were red flags and as a result I ran!

You may wonder, Well, how did God change your heart?
Simple, repeated cycles.
As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeat his foolishness. Proverbs 26:11
Honey Bunches, it took me literally repeating the process of bumping my head until a recent final blow helped me to make the decision to be obedient and trust in God!
Like me, I’m sure there is an area in your life when you need to let go and trust God.
God loves you so much that He will never place any thing on you that you don’t have the strength to bare.
The great news is He will be with you every step of the way!
Will you choose to trust Him to give your all, today?
Giving Nuggets!
Our desire to give is innate because we are made up of the dna of Christ himself.
Being obedient when God tells you to give your all releases you from repeated cycles that has held you in bondage.
Writer: Breonna “BG” Gildon

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See you next year?!

That’s right!
God did some powerful things for our Empower Her community in 2020.
There were 106 New Honey Bunches added to Empower Her Mail, 249 Honey Bunches to follow Empower Her Blog, 10 Featured Guest Bloggers, 1 Amazing Empower Her Meet Up, and more!!
As a community, Empower Her will be taking time to simply be still.
Starting December 31st, we will be using time to rest and hear from God.
We appreciate all prayers during this time and look forward to returning back in February to celebrate the new year and more with you!